Cloud-ERP Advantages-OneBusiness Overview

Cloud ERP today (OneBusiness Cloud ERP) is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software on the cloud. We host on AWS/ AZURE/ Google cloud platform, rather than on-premises (in house servers). Also, Point of Sale on the cloud is an added advantage for a retail organisation. We have taken our OneBusiness cloud ERP product to explain various aspects of a cloud ERP solution. in other words, Efficient ERP is a key factor for the success of a business.
We host OneBusiness ERP/CRM/POS/EAM software on AWS securely. This blog will explain the advantages of cloud-based application with examples from OneBusiness for a better user understanding.
The deployment of the software is the most significant difference between these two systems. The features of ERP over will remain the same. The cloud is hosting on the external agency’s servers, and you access through the web browser. We install the On-premise software locally on a company’s infrastructure. It is completely in-house and the data is under your control.
The most noticeable difference between these two systems is how we deploy the software. Cloud-based software is hosted on the vendor’s servers and accessed through a web browser. On-premise software is installed locally, on a company’s computers and servers. For example, in an in house computer capable of handling the cloud ERP software would be sufficient for small scale companies.
You can keep the ERP in house, and we can interface to a business warehouse system for detailed reporting. Once again, the reporting environment can be in-house or on an external cloud. To clarify the business warehouse architecture, OneBusiness will cover the topic in a separate topic. However, other existing posts will cover as much as it could.
ERP’s like OneBusiness have so many real-time transactional reports for your everyday use. Having your ERP on cloud is advantageous if you want to implement machine learning models available on the AWS platform.
Transactional Reports
OneBusiness Transactional reports
Users have the luxury of accessing the critical business information and executing of a transaction during their travel.
All ERPs, including OneBusiness ERP, have integration to Taxation office for real-time payroll reporting (Australia). It is also known as Single Touch Payroll.
Users of an organisation always have access to up to date business information, which is excellent.
Organisations achieve automation of business processes using ERP in the procurement, CRM and sales area.
Point of Sale on the Cloud
OneBusiness Point of Sale
Point of Sales Transactions
Financial Accounting-General Ledger transactions-Clod ERP
The above screenshot shows a journal entry. Efficient ERP will bring more business benefits. ERP today is so convenient to manage a business without any constraint.
Project Management
Users can handle all day to day project activities on the cloud. The organisation can assign transactions to specific roles based on the business requirement. Project Managers can use the dashboard to check their projects quickly. What are users looking for in an ERP? Project structure to indicate the scope, cost planning, revenue planning, resource planning, scheduling, cost forecasting and demand forecasting. This project management tool does it all.
Point of Sale
The Point of Sale on cloud is an effective method to monitor the sale and transactions remotely by the retail business responsible person. There is a fear of the internet speed and the system speed to complete the action quickly. The cloud point of sale will suit many businesses for sure. OneBusiness has a locally installable version with an API to update too. But we do not recommend that method to all business.
When an organisation is handling a project, procurement for a project plays a vital role. All procurement functions are available in the same platform without a need to use another software tool for purchase.
Sales Order
Users can link the sales order to projects, plant maintenance order, operation orders and production orders. The ERP today includes some mobile application to track some KPI on move with smaller mobile devices.
Your billing dashboard will look like this:
Plant Maintenance
OneBusiness Plant Maintenance module has master data maintenance, preventive and reactive maintenance and automated maintenance planning. Moreover, it provides a complete control like resource management package. A comprehensive and completely integrated company level “Resource planning” capability is part of OneBusiness. Therefore, the ERP today includes all modules essential for resource planning or capacity planning.
Production Planning