OneBusiness Document Management System (DMS) is designed to organize and manage documents which provide the user to access, modify, and centrally store the documents. You can upload document directly from your ERP transactions to AWS S3 buckets through the OneBusiness DMS. In addition, you can also launch the documents from S3 bucket directly from most of the transactions. Please check here for more information.
Some of the features of OneBusiness DMS software are:
- Document storage in AWS S3 bucket
- Facility to email a document to a DMS folder
- Folder level authorization
- File-level authorization
- Complete document Change record
- Facility to send a document through email
- Online HTML help
- User profile management
- Maintain classification and Search a document
- Document check-in and check-out control
- Auto archive setting
- Send the documents to external e-mails
- You can receive documents through e-mail directly into your DMS. For this purpose you can whitelist specific E-mail addresses.
For more details please check the link below: